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Animal Medicine Ceremony

Discover what animals are in your energetic landscape path for your current healing and calling.

What mesages do the animals have for you?

We all have animals that journey through the nature path and presence of our soul. They come into our experience to guide us through life and help us to remove blocks, open up our essence and destiny as we walk the earth. The animals are powerful elders, guides, medicine-keepers, shamans, and healers. With their wild wisdom and habitats, they guide us in and through aligning to our wild true nature and the importance of falling in love with the medicine and sacred land of the earth.

The Ceremony and Reading

Before your session, I will conduct an animal medicine ceremony out on the land. I will invite your soul’s essence into the medicine space. The ceremony involves the infusion of nature medicine, drum/rattle, the elements, the land, medicine wheel, and the animals in your vortex. These animals are not always your totems but are the animal guides of your present life and current healing experience.

The Reading: In your live, one-hour session, I will explain the journey and healing exploration with each animal I encountered in the wildness of your vortex in the medicine space during the ceremony. Animals have different meanings for different people. I will give you the messages and meaning of the animals in your vortex, I will also give you the story of each animal as to how they appeared in your vortex and aligned to the medicine wheel – during the ceremony which deepens the details, healing and meaning of the session.

This session will awaken wisdom that may have been dormant and open streamlines to your healing and destiny gifts on earth. Book your remote session today.

Animal Medicine Ceremony

60 Minute Session