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Soul Navigating – Mentoring

Are you ready to break free from conditioning and programming, to live your “own” true nature? 

Is your soul calling you toward something deeper—something rooted in your true nature?

You carry many threads of sacred wisdom, woven deep in your soul’s tapestry from the path of your own destiny. Do you hear your soul calling something more to you, based on the unfolding heartbeat waves of your soul?  In dreams, meditations, and healing journeys; do you feel the calling, urging you toward deeper truth? Yet, as you step into the physical world, something is holding you back. 

Perhaps hidden wisdom pieces lie in the shadows between where you stand and walk and where your soul loving longs for you to be. Your inner spirit is ready to thrive and to walk the fire of transformation, embodiment and initiation - this is naturalism. Are you ready to surrender emotional blocks, conditioning and programming, to embody your true nature as a walker of the earth?

The question is: Are you ready to re-claim, unlock and live your own raw truth underneath it all?

“I am immensely grateful to Eddie for his insights and ability to see and guide me along on this journey. I found that at the end of the Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie I was not the person I was when we started. I became more confident. I have a clear direction and sense of purpose. I highly recommend the Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie to anyone who feels there is more to our purpose and well- being while on the planet Earth.” – S.D., Chicago. IL

What is Soul Navigating Mentoring?

Walking the open road of true freedom means shedding the layers of conditioning, density, and old programming that have shaped your identity—whether from society, family patterns, personal trauma, or past generational experiences. This journey is about breaking free from false identities and stepping into the sacred wisdom of your soul’s true destiny as a ”becoming”. It is an inner exploration, a deep self-inquiry that reveals the embodiment of your own true nature’s essence.

Are you ready to walk the earth in alignment with your soul’s wisdom, fully alive and embodied with every step you take?

Many people spend a significant amount of their lives disconnected from the truth that resides within their heart and soul. The longing for reuniting with one’s true nature is common, yet the path to balance and harmony can feel unclear. It’s common to have this experience and be unclear on how to move closer to balance and harmony.  Many people do not have actual mentors to help guide them through this process of sinking into the presence of their true nature. However, there are lesser-known mentors such as divine presence, nature wisdom, grace, and animal energy that regularly provide clear and beautiful clarity and guidance.  

Take, for example, the dragonfly. The ancient spirit animal teaches us how to navigate life with infinite love, flow, and grace. It shows us how to embrace true simultaneous self-love, aligning with nature’s rhythm to heal ourselves—and, in turn, humanity. Each of us exists within this natural frequency, awakening to our unique soul’s destiny. Just like the dragonfly, we evolve through layers of awakening, learning to navigate our infinite nature. When we fully embody oneness—with the heart, spirit, and universe—we embody our soul’s highest calling in the space of presence. 

The Soul Navigating Mentoring experience is a sacred journey to uncover the “root story”—the original cause of limiting beliefs, blocks, and identity attachments. Through surrender, healing, and revelation, you will release what no longer defines you, rediscover your authentic true nature, and rebirth your soul’s wisdom into the physical world.

When you complete this journey, you will move beyond survival and step into a life of true self-expansion—one rooted in boundless love, purpose, and alignment with your soul’s destiny for humanity.

How is Soul Navigating Mentoring Different from Ordinary Mentoring?

Unlike traditional mentoring, which often follows external frameworks or societal expectations, Soul Navigating Mentoring is about guiding individuals toward their own unique soul’s destiny. It is not about shaping someone into a predetermined path but about unveiling the wisdom and knowledge that already exists within them. This journey is an exploration of life’s “ebb and flow”—how one’s inner truth, experiences, and sacred wisdom naturally unfold. Rather than offering a scripted roadmap, this mentoring experience supports clients in reconnecting with their true nature, beyond conditioning or external influence. Through this experience of mentoring, you will see how your energy systems work differently than others as a uniqueness of how you naturally create, as a simultaneous individual.

Soul Navigating Mentoring does not dictate or define a client’s path. Instead, the mentoring assists in deepening the client’s awareness—helping them navigate their inner truth, uncover hidden wisdom, and bring their soul’s expression into physical reality. This is about mentoring while holding space, offering guidance, while empowering the client to lead their own transformation through embodiment. This is a journey of self-discovery, alignment, and embodiment—an opportunity to step fully into the authentic presence of one’s soul for walking the earth.

How Do Soul Navigating Mentoring Sessions Work?

In these sessions, Eddie will guide and mentor you through the inner landscapes of your life—helping you move past roadblocks such as old programming, ancestral coding, dis-ease, unhealthy patterns, and limiting beliefs. The goal is to empower you to make clear, aligned choices and live with destiny and purpose.

Sessions are conversational and immersive, like taking a guided self-inquiry hike through the trails and caves of your own essence, exploring the depth of your soul’s journey and destiny on earth to walk as you true self.

Together, we will journey to the root cause of what holds you back—uncovering the deeper meaning behind your struggles and unlocking the path to your authentic true nature.

Who Are Your Mentoring Clients?

My clients are individuals who are ready to go deep—navigating their inner landscape, overcoming roadblocks, and releasing old identities to create a life of healing, empowerment, and transformation. They are seekers, drawn by a deep desire to live through their own sacred soul wisdom and step fully into their destiny on earth.

Many arrive at this journey carrying the weight of past trauma, pain, or experiences of disassociation of the soul, or false identity struggles. Others feel stuck in the “why” and “how” of their life’s challenges, uncertain of how to align with what their soul is authentically calling to them. Some are already walking a spiritual and true nature path and are ready to expand into the next phase of their authentic awakening as a walker of earth.

What unites all my clients is their readiness to release their conditioning and programing—to shed the character layers that no longer serve them and step into the true essence of their innate true nature. Through Soul Navigating Mentoring, they embrace healing, clarity, and alignment with their soul’s highest expression, sometimes walking as their true self for the first time on earth, without generational and societal conditioning identities.

Time Investment for the 10-Week Program

The 10-week program consists of one-hour sessions, held weekly or biweekly, depending on your preference. In addition to these sessions, you may receive 15–20 minute tool tasks between meetings. These exercises are designed to help you integrate and embody new awareness and practices into your daily life, making them a natural part of your personal transformation.

Throughout the mentoring sessions, you also have unlimited email access for guidance and support as new insights or challenges arise from the session work.

Sessions are done remotely via Zoom, phone, or other online platforms, offering flexibility to meet you wherever you are.

How do I set up a complimentary consultation to talk about my Soul Navigating Mentoring design?

Schedule your complimentary 15 to 20-minute consultation to talk about your Soul Navigating Mentoring design today.


“I entered this program with a predetermined idea of where it was going and what I would accomplish.  Spirit doesn’t exactly work that way. Yes, of course, we can set intentions but one is often surprised where it will lead us.  Eddie’s wisdom and caring energy helped me to travel a road I was not intending to go down.  “This is not about my business”, I told him.  “I want to work on my family, my birth family, I am stuck and really have to clear this stuff out.”  Eddie was very agreeable to my plan and said, “We will see where this goes.” 

Well, we did work on my family issues and we did clear it up and out.  We would talk about what was going on and then, Bam! Some very intense energy moved through my whole body like a hot wind. I had no idea what that was when Eddie asked, “What just happened?”  That’s how this process worked for me. 

In that instance, there was a huge shift that took place and my heart opened so wide, wider and fuller than I ever thought possible; it was my Galactic Heart. 

Each week we would chat about what was going on for me and how I felt about issues that were coming up. I was amazed at how each piece revealed itself; how Eddie was able to pick up on it and see with pristine clarity what was needed and how to get there.  I had a lot of work to do each week and it was not easy.  It took a bit of concentrated time and focus to go deep and get to the root of what I was feeling and where that root developed or came from.  It was so fascinating to watch it all unfold and seemingly be laid out before me.  It was so obvious at the time that I was amazed I didn’t see it myself, however, we do tend to gloss over and push aside those things that are uncomfortable. Eddie helped me to see that the past cannot hurt me anymore. 

He guided through the tangled web I had created to keep myself safe and small.

Eddie would ask me the hard, deep questions that helped me to see what the truth was and is. It was this “going deep” that really made all the difference. Of course, my business did come into play and actually took up more time than anything else. It was exactly as I needed it to be.  It was all in the right timing and I stepped up to do the work. 

Eddie has a gift to see and be able to help guide us along our path.  That way we get to do the work and make it whatever it needs to be for each of us as individuals.  I am filled with gratitude for the wisdom he has shared with me and his gentle approach to helping me find the answers I needed to move forward. ” 

 RB / Seattle, WA

“I spent several months in this Mentorship program with Eddie, and it has altered my life. I feel like I’m a different person—but, really, I am now a truer version of myself. His work has moved me from a place of doubt and lack—from my headspace—to alignment with my heart and soul to trust and connection. For the first time, I feel supported. 

Working with Eddie has led to the spontaneous unfolding of new job opportunities, job opportunities that feel more like sacred callings that continue to surprise me and blossom.

I had searched for so long for how to express myself in the world and how to make my way and, now, I feel at home in my work in ways I only imagined. I no longer play it small and, in return, I have opened into a portal of abundance. 

On a personal level, my perception of romantic partnership has dramatically shifted in the best ways. What felt like ceaseless longing has shifted into peaceful trust and what I once wanted in a partner now makes me laugh. My dreams are vivid and, now, guides come to me at night as I dream. And a lethargy and intense feeling of the need to protect myself has dissipated and I have opened into loving community and energy.

I put off writing this testimonial because this program’s value feels so immense to me that I didn’t think my words could do it justice. It is far beyond what I expected, like a blessing dropping its blossom in my lap.

I am grateful and know that this program is the reason I feel alive, in tune, and filled in a way I haven’t in over a decade—or even in this lifetime.”

A.Asti /NYC, NY

“Working with Eddie throughout the Soul Navigating program has been amazing. Each week we uncovered a block or issue that was preventing me from moving forward and fulfilling my “destiny” on earth. I also participated in Eddie’s Illumination Body – Chakra Healing Course at the same time. Between the two programs each week I became aware of and healed many aspects of my inner misconceptions of self. I found myself radiating with clarity and a new sense of direction and purpose.

Each week unfolded like a page in a book and with the work we did that week, I found I was able to close chapters in my life’s story that were no longer relevant or serving me.

In fact, they were preventing me from moving forward and creating disharmony in my life. Some of the changes that resulted from our work together were subtle while others came through with a big bang.

I found that at the end of the course I was not the person I was when we started. I became more confident. I have a clear direction and sense of purpose. I actually feel that I walk taller and no longer fold in on myself. I am open to the world around me and no longer shying away from it. It is the essence of myself as a child that I have recaptured – eyes full of wonder and joy as I walk my path. I am much happier with myself, my life and my purpose or destiny. As I look in the mirror each morning I see a new vibrant face smiling back at me!

I am immensely grateful to Eddie for his insights and ability to see and guide me along on this journey. I highly recommend Soul Navigating Mentoring with Eddie to anyone who feels there is more to our purpose and well being while on the planet Earth. “

Sarah DeMarco / Chicago, IL

“I first met Eddie in magical Sedona, Arizona back in 2007. As soon as we connected, I knew there was something different, something very special about him. He had a radiant, angelic presence which put me totally at ease. At the time, I had no idea that almost 7 years later, he would be the one to guide me through the “big leap” in my life. After he recommended it to me a few times, I finally made the commitment and enrolled in his Mentoring Program, and all I can say is “WOW!!”.

Eddie helped me do in these sessions what I had been trying to do on my own for 6 years.

Through his compassionate insight and channeled guidance, Eddie and his spiritual team took me from wanting, hoping, and imagining to planning, acting and doing, and the results have been amazing. I’ve come across a lot of life intuitive coaches and guides on my path, and I can honestly say Eddie is top notch. If you’re ready to take action on what your soul is calling you to do, Eddie is ready to guide you through it. Trust me, you will not be disappointed, and your soul will thank you for it!”

A. Shannon/ Long Beach, CA

“Are you looking for some heart-centered guidance, a nudge in the right direction, confirmation on choices, clarity on transition, awakening of your sensitivity or expanding your awareness? Eddie and his soul connections helped me with all of that and more.

We connected in scheduled mentor-coaching sessions over several months as I traversed a transition in my life focus. Our regular sessions helped me in many ways to remain focused and some weeks to regain my focus. These sessions helped me connect with the possibilities I hadn’t thought of on my own. And they gave me the confidence to trust my inner guidance more as well as move forward more boldly in my choices.

There are times when we all face crossroads and shifts. Times when a mentor and coach can take us to new levels with more ease and grace in a shorter time than we can on our own. For me having someone who was spiritually based was a must.

Eddie and his insightful connections with the divine was the perfect combination to empower me on my path.”

Kathryn Gorham

“Through several sessions with Eddie, I came to realize that my path is also a spiritual one, and that I could have no better mentor. I signed up for his program with a healthy dose of curiosity and completed it with a firm grasp of direction and insight into myself and my role in this world. In Eddie’s program I explored everything from my past lives and how they affected me (even today) to family relationships, personal power, stepping out of my comfort zone and onto my path, addressing my insecurities and fears, self-love, releasing the past, and so many more topics that I can’t even list them all. Eddie even shared his personal experiences with me. What it has all come down to is a greater awareness of who I am…my identity as a powerful co-creator. With his help and intuitive guidance, I’ve made tremendous progress in healing the past and am embracing a future that looks wonderful.

I know Eddie was placed in my life for a reason. The saying goes “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

This student was blessed and is deeply grateful for her teacher and mentor, Eddie Mullins.”

M. DePalo/  VA