A Visitation Of Locating And Finding Surrender

Recently, while I was halfway through writing my monthly column on surrendering through the heart, I felt an etheric hand gently touching my back with such compassion and loving radiance, I also felt someone looking over my shoulder from a distance. I was getting quite emotional as I felt this feminine presence arriving energetically closer to me. Now, I started to recognize and feel this motherly, beautiful, loving presence, crystal clear; this was Mary Magdalene. Through channel she assisted with writing the rest of my column through her teaching and guidance on surrender; how to find it and what it really is. Notice what you feel through your heart as you read the channel.

Sacred beloved,

Do you hear and feel the chimes through the deep spiral center in your heartbeat? Take a moment, breathe, connect to your heart and the drumbeats of the heartbeat; go within the rhythmic beats of the heart, beloved. Here you will find the chimes. Follow the chimes inward. Here you will find what you have been looking for, your sacred wisdom portal. This is the sound frequency of cosmic love in which you have come from, before earth.

It is but the fourth night of your experience in this truth seeking frequency of wind through your heart. You seek and desire deep clarity for your mystical and spiritual circumstances on earth, do you not? But are you willing to be still and listen to the sounds of love that vibrates throughout the spiritual essence of who you are through all eternity? Listen through the wind that echoes through your heart. Surrender to be still. What do you feel echoing through your heart? Stay with the echo until you ‘feel’ it speaking to you through the heart, not as a human voice, but as a felt frequency, that you feel through your entire body emulating from your heart, light body, and soul.

Yes, beloved child of creation you are the frequency of love. But you must listen through the spiral of your heart, not from your human wayward experience of what you know humanly, but from what has always been from the moment of your creation, as a soul and a beautiful hue of light within love’s frequency.

When you arrive at surrender as a journey instead of an action, through your heart, you are opening and connecting to the field of compassion. When you feel the aliveness and awareness of your field of compassion, you are moving beyond the feeling of compassion but experiencing it as an intelligence. This intelligence of compassion is a part of creation in every experience that is interconnected through divine divinity.

For you to immerse yourself in surrender through compassion and love, is to understand the experience of love’s creation and your being-ness as a frequency of love. In this endless frequency is where you will discover your deep clarity for earth and the reason you have come be, beloved.

You are deeply loved, more than you will ever know. (excerpt) 


Embodying The Snow Leopard


Listening To Stillness